Hola, amiga!

Host of the Amiga Handle Your Sh!t podcast,  author of the book The AMIGA Way,  and transformational life coach for badass women

I'm Jackie Tapia

My family wanted me to have the best education. The best job. And a stable future in a respected profession. Sound familiar?

I left my high-status job 
when I realized what it cost me… 

But as a first-generation Latina, that was never going to be my reality. 

Now I’m a transformational life coach on a mission: to lead you out of the hustle and into a life of holistic wealth. A life of abundance in all ways and always. 

(It’s just a coincidence that my story starts with “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.”)

As a young fashionista growing up in LA, I obsessed over the styles of Madonna and Cyndi Lauper. The colors! The fabrics! The shoulder pads! I dreamed of being a fashion designer for the hottest pop stars. 

Before long, shoulder pads were a distant memory. I became the first in my family to attend university. I thrived in law school, passed the California bar, and became a lawyer. 

That was my life for 17 years: A respected career. A vibrant social life. A title my parents could brag about.

But something wasn’t right. 

In fact, under the shiny surface, I was sinking. Me estaba undiendo.

First it was panic attacks, depression, and insomnia. Those symptoms were easy to minimize, or mask with prescriptions.  

Then came troubling physical symptoms: Numbness in my legs that made it hard to walk. That was harder to ignore. My doctor diagnosed me with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a chronic autoimmune disease.

My body used those symptoms to tell me I was on the wrong track in my life. But I had learned early on to ignore my inner voice. To keep hustling. To take every opportunity that came my way. To make my parents’ hard work worth it.

It took me 17 years before I stepped away from my law career. By that time, my MS symptoms were so bad that I couldn’t drive alone.

I expected to grieve when I stopped practicing law. Instead, I felt tremendous relief, a surprising sense of lightness, and mucha felicidad. Most surprising of all, my MS symptoms went away. 

When I started helping other Amigas step into a softer, easier, flowy-er life, I finally felt like my soul and my body were aligned.

I only wish I had figured it out sooner! Pero ni modo, asi es la vida!

There’s more to life than living out other people’s expectations. But deeply rooted beliefs can make it hard to change direction.

As a transformational life coach, I help mujeres dinámicas overcome limiting beliefs, find their soul’s purpose, and create the amazing lives they were meant to live.

Could that be you, Amiga?

Let’s make shit happen!

Then something surprising happened.

Work with Me

How did I get from there to here?

Freeing myself from long-held patterns didn’t happen overnight. It took deep questioning. Chance meetings with people I call my human angels. Meditation. Breathwork. Conversations con la Virgencita Maria. It’s a long story – and it’s all in my book.

👆That’s the short version, Amiga.

– Judith

“I have been very blessed to have come across a wonderful instructor like Jackie and the Amiga Way Academy. This mastermind group is what I was looking for. A tribe of amazing ladies that are there to support each other thru life's challenges. Jackie educates us on how to grow and level up to be a better version of ourselves. Showing us techniques on how to be more mindful and live our day to day the best way possible. Completed Phase I and now, Phase II. I truly feel that I have the tools to continue to thrive. If you are looking for a way to level up, I highly recommend Jackie and her Amiga Way Academy!”

– Rachelle R.

“Jackie's a brilliant leader and runs her epic Mastermind groups with poise and purpose. We level up in these groups. We show up in our best as we are with other people showing up in their best selves as well. I have learned great entrepreneurial insights including tools for time management. I highly recommend anyone who is driven, wants to accomplish anything, stay accountable, or wants to be a part of something meaningful: join Jackie's mastermind group.”

💅🏼 The fashion bug has never left me:

My closet is filled with hot pink, white, and gold pieces, accented with black and lets not forget the Chanel and Tom Ford glasses

Cosas favoritas

& current obsessions

🍾 I know what I want – in life and in beverages:

🥂 Not just white wine, but New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc

🍹 Not just any margarita, but a jalapeño margarita made with Don Julio añejo tequila 

🎤 I grew up singing along to U2 & Amanda Miguel and Tupac & Biggie are still with me... to live and die in LA 🌴

🍨I dream about dulce de leche and strawberry cheesecake ice cream


Are you on a journey to the best version of yourself? A pilgrimage to a life without limits, free from the hustle mindset? My new book is your roadmap. 

The AMIGA Way shares proven formulas, practical exercises, and step-by-step guides for turning simple actions into major transformations – so you can design the life you’ve always dreamed of, and take concrete steps to achieve it.

Read my book

Amiga, Handle Your Shit

Join the tribe of fierce Amigas who tune into my podcast
every week.

Amiga, Handle Your Sh!t beams out fearless conversations with passionate guests about how you can become unstoppable. Listen for inspiring mindset shifts, spiritual uplift, and practical advice for breaking through your own limitations. 

(Plus, of course, tips on how to handle your shit. 😉)

Listen to my podcast